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Tower F2 is the second floor of The Tower. All but one of its 16 cubicles house a Faceless, barring A1 which appears to be either home to or frequented by Joe Regular.
This section or article contains spoilers about Heartbound's content or story.
The Visions are caused by objects found through out the floor. There is a total of 5 items to be found which is shown below in order of possible discovery.
Unlike Floor 1, Floor 2 is notably cleaner as the broken grey floor of before now consists of a white and grey checker pattern. Here there is only 3 branching off paths compared to the 5 in Floor 1, not including the the door to The Boss which is unlocked after competing all the missions and 'Visions' on this floor. Although the cubicles only label 1A to 4D, they do all feature a high amount of detail as each include the Faceless´s personality through the props placed as well as the Faceless´s own unique dialog. An example of this is found in 4A. Here there are photos layered out around their desk which also featuring a camera too. From this we can gather that they are interested in photography.
All of the areas here are accessible from first entering the level.
The Pool area is found squeezed on a narrow platform, yet bears a whole pool filled with Pool Pal Paul's black ooze. Four Sunbathing benches can be found near the side with half featuring towels and the other half featuring Joe Regular and That Guy. Found in the corner, a Umbrella table stands still with 2 cups occupying its surface.
The cafe is a small cosy area where four tables can be found occupied by shades and Shortstack. Along the front 'wall' includes plaques featuring the menu and sign of the cafe, while opposite on the far side of the room, the counter sits. The counter is observed by Whistler who's propped behind the till and radio, which bellows songs and jumps to the theme. Nearby are a stack of cups and the coffee machine waiting to be used.
When entering the Gym, a bench greets you. Nearby, the lockers can be found mainly dirty while the last one stands proud as damaged and beaten, unlike one, which features no door but a sweaty sock. Next to and below are some weights for heavy lifting, one sitting still while the other claimed by Shortstack. The Boxing bag hangs over, looking down at the two treadmills spinning in a race.
"There´s a pair of sunglasses in here." or "It´s empty."
"The screen is covered in sensitive stuff." or "The screen is covered in sensitive stuff. You don´t have the clearance to read it."
Cubicle 2A
"A big ham and a little ham. Ham ham ham." After Salamurder: "Don´t talk to me or my son ever again."
"I am doing the sleep. Please to be quiet." After Salamurder: "I saw what you did. I won´t say anything."
"It´s full of... salamander treats?"
"Surround yourself with friends. Especially the fuzzy ones."
Cubicle 3A
"It´s full of unfinished stories."
"Sorry, can´t talk right now. Super busy."
"Tell him what the guy in 4B said?"
No: "Better to let lazy shades lie."
Yes: "Thank you for your honesty."
After leaving: "You can only mow someone elses lawn for so long. I´m off to mow my own. -Formerly Faceless"
Cubicle 4A
"The edges of a window frame can be seen in each shot."
"The camera goes off without being touched. A small photo slides out the side." or "The camera printer is jammed... It´s raspberry... Who would dare?!"
"It´s full of unused film and flashbulbs."
"They leave the windows open from time to time. Just enough to reach through and feel the breeze."
Cubicle 1B
"A bunch of papers clutter the desk." After looking in the drawer: "A bunch of pages clutter the desk. All of them seem to be from ´How to Clean Floors for Maroons´"
"There´s a book in here. ´How to Clean Floors for Maroons´ Every page says... ´Rip out this page and put it on your desk. Now your floor looks clean!´"
"Clean floor, happy floor."
Cubicle 2B
"It´s completely packed with empty pages."
"You might go through a thousand ideas before you hit one you like. Don´t stop trying."
Cubicle 3B
"Neat little papers in neat little stacks."
"It´s full of even more papers."
"Keep your area tidy and work won´t be as stressful."
Cubicle 4B
"It´s totally empty."
"I gave all my work to the guy in 3A. What a maroon." After 3A leaves: "Looks like 3A quit. Said something about going freelance with all his experience. What a maroon."
Cubicle 1C
" Each of the sprouts has a nametag. All the nametags say... ´My Son´."
"It´s a mean ol´ cactus. It´s even got a beard!"
"Sealed up with vines. No way you´re getting this open."
"Technology is destroying the natural world. We need to preserve the planet to survive."
Cubicle 2C
"It´s full of pocket protectors. What a nerd."
"Copy that floppy?"
No: "You didn't copy that floppy."
"Technology is the only way forward. Without research we will never save the planet."
Cubicle 3C
"Crisp and clean new work. The pages even squeak when you move them."
"Every page is signed ´Neatus Freakly´. Weird."
"Pens on the left. Papers on the right."
"The guy next to me is a total scum bum. It´s barf city."
Cubicle 4C
"All of these sandwiches seem oddly fresh."
"This is way to many energy drinks."
"Looks like he´s using this as a trash can. Gross."
"The guy next to me is a total neat freak. It´s barf city."
Cubicle 1D
"It´s a bunch of bank transfer statements. All of his money is going to an off-tower account."
"It´s a shallow vera. They make rude comments when you´re not looking."
"Documents detailing some kind of holding company. It seems pretty complicated."
"One day I´ll leave this place. Not today, but one day."
Cubicle 2D
"Blueprints for some kind of sideways elevator. That seems efficient!"
"Applications for time off. All of them have been denied."
"It´s full of scrapped engineering ideas. They´re all stamped with ´Maroon´."
"I like living on the edge. That´s why I keep my drink on the edge of my desk. Thrilling!"
Cubicle 3D
"This plant looks pretty smarmy. It´s just oozing with smarm."
"A hastily written recipe for smarmalade."
"It´s full of jars labeled ´Test Batch´."
"They all doubt my beloved smarmalade. The natural sock flavor is the best. Fools!"
Cubicle 4D
"A bunch of crude drawings of staplers."
"47 issues of ´Stapler Monthly´. Every page has a seductively posed stapler on it."
"Take the stapler?" or talking to the Faceless first: "Take his only possession?"
No: "Your mercy has saved Tower Corp for another day."
Yes: "You've doomed Tower Corp with your stapler greed."
"It´s full of replacement staple bricks."
"The only thing I really have is my beautiful red stapler." After taking his Stapler: "He's gone completely silent. In the distance... sirens."
Pinned notes
Top right
"Hang in there! You´re contractually obligated to keep going! -The Management"
Middle left
"Notice: All lost items will be held in the cafe until claimed or incinerated. -The Management "
Bottom right
"Potential! You have the tools to make your boss look great! -The Management"