
Revision as of 19:25, 28 September 2024 by Djinnet (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)

This room is accessible by entering the middle left room from Tower F1.


Interactive Objects

  • Pile of Trays
  • Pile of Spoons
  • Sandwiches (Only while in the mini-game)
  • Drinks (Only while in the mini-game)


- OScar is only intractable when the player has competed the mini game.

The Mini Game

After interacting with the Coprino Brothers, the player has to give food to the Faceless in a 'lunch rush'. The required food and drinks for the employees are shown on the panel above the sandwiches and drinks.

The goal of this Mini Game is to hand out sandwiches and drinks to all 30 employees in the line before the song on the mini game stops.

The perfect run would be to feed All the Faceless and drop No food on the floor all before the song ends.

Interaction Map

 Pile of SpoonsOScarPile of TraysSandwichesDrinksCoprino BrothersTower F1


  • Yellow: Interactive Objects
  • Green: Obtainable Objects
  • Blue: Exits / Doors
  • Orange: Interactive NPC

Object Dialog

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This section or article contains spoilers about Heartbound's content or story.


"A bunch of haphazard trays. They are currently devoid of sandwiches."


"It´s covered in spoons. Now to find some Drama Flakes."


"The screen is dark and unresponsive." After OScar has left the Cafeteria.



"Mini Game theme" song is called 'The Fat Cat Swing'
