ARG:The Choice

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This page contains spoilers about the Heartbound ARG. If you want to solve the puzzle yourself, avoid reading this article.

This part of the ARG consists of two cryptography puzzles, both of which are solved. This can be seen in the page's source:

<!-- Chapter 4 - Divergence -->

<!-- Choose fate. -->
<!-- Control destiny. -->
<!-- The pages lay before you. -->

<div class="Gridlocked">
    <!-- 92 75 73 21 81 17 65 15 64 13 -->
    <!-- 16 94 27 75 96 72 -->
    <!-- 91 11 27 44 94 16 78 43 33 -->
    <!-- 88 36 52 73 25 28 42 75 86 87 34 21 -->

<div class="On The Path">


"Gridlocked" suggests there has to be a grid somewhere. Arranging the letters of the 90-character string into a 9×10 grid will get us the following:


From here you can match the number pairs to their letter counterpart. Remember to keep the 4 different lines separate while doing this.

92 75 73 21 81 17 65 15 64 13
16 94 27 75 96 72
91 11 27 44 94 16 78 43 33
88 36 52 73 25 28 42 75 86 87 34 21

After matching the numbers to their letter counterpart deciphers to four words: "FRIENDSHIP", "SORROW", "CURIOSITY" and "INDIFFERENCE". Add any of the four after the URL and you'll arrive at their corresponding pages: Broken Heart, Missing Heart, Burning Heart and Frosty Heart

On The Path

To solve this puzzle you first need go to the Lucky page and solve the puzzle there to get an answer of "NINETEEN". From here we can now start to solve this puzzle.

Using a Ceasar Cipher with a letter shift of 19 we can change the letter string from the source code to this step's solution: "IWISANEXJXWLMSNBTXBGKMHMTYOWIXKIAVHUEFUBCLGUSFASNAGIEEGLRSMNOYABFYZVVLSNJGAB"

"On The Path" suggests One Time Pad should be used to decode this message. After putting the message into One Time Pad, with the string used to get to the Lucky page as a pad, we get "FIVEHUNDREDEIGHTYTHREEMILLIONTWOHUNDREDTWENTYONETHOUSANDFOURHUNDREDNINETYSIX", or, in numbers, 583221496.

This code can be put into the keypad in Tower Break Room 103 and will automatically translate the Darksider Glyphs, similarly to how Guardian Glyphs will automatically translate after completing Don't Hit That Button. Aside from getting the glyphs automatically translated, this also unlocks the locked drawer in the bottom right corner desk and gives us a word: "LAVENDERBEARD".

Putting this after "DIVERGENCE/" will lead you to the part of the ARG that has

<!-- RING RING -->
<!-- OSCAR -->
<!-- FACE -->
<!-- LOCATION -->
<!-- CHAPTER 6 -->

in its source. Despite the misleading text, this is in fact the clue that leads to Chapter 5.