Miscellaneous Animus areas.

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This page is for areas in Animus that may not belong on other pages and aren't big enough to warrant their own page.



The corridor is a connection point between Cirsi's yard and the crossroads. North being Cirsi's yard and south being the crossroads.


  • North leads to Cirsi's yard.
  • South leads to the crossroads.


The crossroad is a connection point between various locations. North leading to the corridor, east leading to Binder's Clock Home, south leading to the three-way, and west leading to Mossback Farm.


  • North leads to the corridor.
  • East leads to Binder's Clock Home.
  • South leads to the three-way.
  • West leads to Mossback Farm.


The three-way is a connection point between three locations, these being the crossroads to the North, wast being Reme and Ramul's Home, and west leading to the Desert.


  • North leads to the crossroads.
  • East leads to Reme and Ramul's home.
  • West leads to the desert.

Interaction Maps

  • Yellow: Interactive Objects
  • Green: Obtainable Objects
  • Blue: Exits / Doors
  • Orange: Interactive NPC