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Spends most of her time combing the forests outside of Animus searching for medicinal herbs and beautiful flowers to sell around town. Rhode does a lot of trade with Cirsi to provide materials for her alchemical creations. She also spends a lot of time hanging out with Ramul and Remé chatting about the latest news or dreams of the future. Pines over Fern but is far too shy to be forward enough for the oblivious deer to notice.


Rhode wears a light cyan bandana around her neck. She has blonde fur, dirty blonde bangs, and brown markings around her snout and behind her ears. She has soft, but fierce, amber eyes. A lighter shade of blonde lies from the edges of her ears down to her eyes, muzzle, lower cheeks, and underbelly. There's a slight shade of pink color on her nose and inside her ears.


- Show / Hide -
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The player encounters Rhode only once in the dark world. In order to engage in this fight, the choices you must make are as follows

  • Feed Baron Garbage in Hometown, throw out the Viking Feast.
  • Abandon Emelio]] in Iron Mines, agree to go to lunch with Rhode, either decline to hangout after or agree to hangout and say you don't like Fern or say you do but tell Rhode to not pursue a relationship, say no to hanging out with Avocado three times, say no to all of Emelio's questions in the Dark World.

Rhode has five attacks, one which only happens only once. She cycles through the other four, however. Due to the nature of unlocking this battle, the difficulty does not vary depending on your Fear value as you've already hit the maximum in Animus.


Rhode's head will start to lower towards Lore. The player must mash click on her head (keyboard users) or A (gamepad users) a certain amount of times to finish the attack, with each click knocking her head back ever so slightly. Completing the attack damages Rhode.


  • Rhode's head will gradually gain speed.
  • The number of times needed to click will gradually increase.


Rhode's paws will slap downwards in a pattern. The player guides Lore out of the way of them. Completing the attack damages Rhode.


  • The paws will gradually appear more frequently.
  • The paws will gradually gain speed.


Rhode's arms appear from the side of the combat frame and move downwards. The player has three horizontal spaces they can move Lore between and Rhode's arms will take up two of those spaces. Completing the attack damages Rhode.


  • The arms will gradually gain speed.


Rhode's head will swoop towards Lore, from either top corners. The player has to whack Rhode with a stick to send her to the opposite corner she came from while dealing damage to her.


  • Rhode will gradually gain speed.
  • The number of times needed to hit Rhode increases.

Food pods

This attack only occurs once. Food pods will rain from above and will restore Rhode's health a little when they hit the ground. The player must catch them with the basket on Lore's head.


- Show / Hide -


Hung out with Rhode

Lore feels positive about Fern

- Why are you here...?

- Haven't you done enough damage already?

- [Lore] I...

- STOP!!!

- I won't let you hurt me.

- I won't let you hurt anyone.

- NOT NOW!!!


Lore feels negative about Fern:

- You can't be here...

- You hate me...

- Just like you hated her...

- [Lore] I...

- I won't let you say a word.


Did not hang out with Rhode

-So now you want to hang out?

- After all of this?

- [Lore] I...

- You what...?

- You want to be friends?

- Let's be friends then.


Rhode throws Fern's crown in combat

Destroyed the crown

Lore feels positive about Fern

- She was clearly holding me back.

- You're the BEST.

Lore feels negative about Fern

- She didn't deserve this...

- None of them did...

- You really are a monster.

Lore did not hang out with Rhode

- After everything...

- You still choose to take more...

- You really are a monster.

Ignored the crown

Lore feels positive about Fern

- You're probably right.

- No reason to remember her NOW.

Lore feels negative about Fern

- So now you choose mercy?

- No...

- You're just playing with me.

Lore did not hang out with Rhode:

- What...?

- Why would you miss...?

- No...

- This is just a trick...

- It has to be...

Food pod attack during combat

Lore got no food pods

Lore feels positive about Fern

- You didn't catch a single one?

- Don't worry...

- I won't ABANDON you.

Lore feels negative about Fern

- Not even one?

- Pathetic...

Lore did not hang out with Rhode

- Nothing...?

- You're joking... right?

- Maybe I was wrong...

- Maybe you're NOT that scary after all.

Lore got one food pod

Lore feels positive about Fern

- Only one food/egg pod?

- Don't worry BUDDY.

- I caught enough for the both of us.

Lore feels negative about Fern

- Only one food/egg pod?

Lore did not hang out with Rhode - Only one food/egg pod?

- You're not that impressive after all.

- What was I thinking...?

Lore got two or more food pods

Lore feels positive about Fern

- You really caught a lot of food/egg pods.

- You planning to share?

- I mean... we are FRIENDS after all.

Lore feels negative about Fern

- You really caught a lot of those...

- You know what... It doesn't matter.

- You can't hurt anyone else.


Lore did not hang out with Rhode

- It doesn't matter how hard you try.

- You can't hurt anyone else.


Rhode's taunts in combat

Lore feels positive about Fern

Rhode's HP at 80%

- What's wrong?

- Am I not being a good enough friend?

- Don't worry... I'll try HARDER.

Rhode's HP at 60%

- Haha... now that...

- That wasn't very NICE.

Rhode's HP at 40%:

- You're hurting me.

- You're always hurting me...

- That's what REAL friends do though...

- Right?

Rhode's HP at 20%

- Is this it?

- Is this what it feels like?

- Are we BEST friends now?

Lore feels negative about Fern

Rhode's HP at 80%

- You fight like a rabid animal.

- Just give up now and I'll make this QUICK.

Rhode's HP at 60%

- You can't keep this up...


Rhode's HP at 40%

- This is nothing...


Rhode's HP at 20%



Lore did not hang out with Rhode

Rhode's HP at 80%

- This doesn't matter.

- I can stop you.

- I can FIX this.

Rhode's HP at 60%

- Is that all you got?

- To think... I was afraid of YOU.

Rhode's HP at 40%

- Why... why won't you die?

Rhode's HP at 20%

- This isn't... how it was supposed to be.

Lore won the fight

Lore's HP above 25%

- You know...

- I'm not even mad.

- I did my best...

- It just wasn't enough...

- I wasn't enough...

Chose to kill Rhode

(first blow)

- What was that...

- You can hit harder and you know it.

(second blows)

- Still not enough.

- Stop wasting my time...

(third blow)

Lore at full HP

- This...

- Whole time...

- You were just playing with me...

- I didn't stand a chance...

Lore not at full HP

- I...

- Thought... It would hurt more...

- It doesn't feel like anything.

- I don't... feel anything...

Lore HP below or at 25%

- I almost had you...

- You know that though.

- Don't you...

- You did this on purpose...

- Just to make me feel like I could make it.

- Just so you could taunt me.

Chose to kill Rhode (first blow)

- Couldn't even do it in one shot.

- Pathetic...

(second blow)

- Is that all you got?

- Hit me again. Go on...

(third blow)

- I...

- Thought... It would hurt more...

- It doesn't feel like anything.

- I don't... feel anything...

Lore won but spared Rhode

- What are you doing...?

- Why are you hesitating...?

- Why won't you kill me...?

- [Lore] It's my fault...

- What...?

- [Lore] IT'S MY FAULT!!!

- [Lore] All of this is...

- [Lore] Everything that happened to all of you.

- [Lore] I chose this.

- [Lore] I don't even know why.

- [Lore] But I chose this...

- You did...

- You can't fix this.

- You can help others though...

- Do your best.

If Rhode bit Lore during combat

- Oh yeah...

- Wash your hair.

- You taste terrible.

- [Lore] ...

Lore lost the fight=

Lore did not move in combat

- You didn't even move.

- Wait...

- Am I... the bad guy?

- Is this really all my fault?

- No...

- ...

- ... ...

- ... ... ...

Lore moved in combat

Rhode has more than 60% of HP remaining

- That was too simple...

- To think...

- Things could have been different.

- If I just did this sooner.

- It wouldn't be like... this.

- Thanks for the life lesson.

Rhode has between 60% (inclusive) and 20% of HP

- That was close...

- Though... not close enough.

- It's time for me to make this right.

- I can do this...

- I can fix this...

Rhode has less than 20% (inclusive) HP remaining

- You almost had me...

- Just one more mistake...

- I would have been gone.

- You know that though... Don't you?

- You're just waiting for an opportunity.

- I won't let you have it...



  • The static sound used in Rhode's battle theme, Raging Shadows, is actually a cat's meow.[1]
