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Mycel is the Inhumane Resources of The Tower. Located in the Inhumane Resources Department on Floor 0, they can be found gathering information and waiting to report potential defects.


Mycel is a black mushroom with a white cap that frays around the rim. A single droplet hangs from one of them while several others sit toward the top of their cap. While their eyes are not visible their red mouth is. Their arms lay to their sides.


Mycel is a ruthless worker who´s purpose is to find and report defects to OScar. They can convince others into giving up information on their misfortunes so they can be immediately dealt with. They will use any means necessary to ensure the safety of The Tower.

Data Bank Description

Designation: Mycel
Role: Inhumane Resources
Term: Lifetime

Description: A vicious worker created to protect the company at all costs. Coerces workers into revealing their misgivings with Tower operations. Collected data helps identify future defectors. Repurpose defectors for materials immediately.

Manufacturing Requirements:

1 Faceless
1 Sinister Memory


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