
Template:Doc/start Template:Tl is used to format embedded videos in a gallery layout, in combination with Template:Tl.


{{VideoEmbed|service=twitchclip|url=https://www.twitch.tv/ferretsoftware/clip/BovineRelatedAlbatrossCopyThis-FSuhy0lyvjg-JTif|description=Doing a flip}}
{{VideoEmbed|service=twitchclip|url=https://www.twitch.tv/ferretsoftware/clip/JollyHelpfulWeaselPJSugar-_YSvSmPEMkXQBsri|description=Making perfect landings}}

Template parameters

Attribute Description Required? Default
display You can set the display parameter between <block> and <flex>.
<block> will use all available space, which is useful when the VideoGallery intersects with infoboxes or images.
Optional flex
videos Can be set or not. Optional -
