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The Faceless, also known as Shades are the Menial Workers of The Tower. Located on Floor 1 and Floor 2, they can be found working in their cubicles.


The Faceless are slightly transparent black ghost-like creatures. They have long arms that end in an almost claw-like hand with three fingers. Each Shade wears a red bowtie right below the white-rimmed hole they all have for a face.

Two of the Faceless don't wear a bowtie, instead one of them wears a red summer shirt while the other wears a red hat with a triangle on the front. Both of them are on Floor 1.


Happy and wholesome thoughts fill their heads and improve their productivity. Made without free will, they stand happily working in their confinded cubicles until they have the ambition to do something better.

Data Bank Description

Destination: The Faceless
Role: Menial Worker
Term: Lifetime

Description: Expendable workers created to perform low level jobs. Free will removed and replaced with happy wholesome thoughts to promote productivity. Subject must be kept isolated for the duration of their term. Role can be improved only when subject displays elevated levels of ambition.

Manufacturing Requirements:

1 Positive Memory

