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Socks are Collectible items found throughout Heartbound's main storyline. The Socks, which can be found in most locations in the game, are always accompanied by flavor text describing the condition or location in which you found the sock, with such examples as "You found a sock reading a book. Smart!". Nearly all of the text follows this pattern of a short quip followed by an adjective or noun complementing the situation. The presence of the socks stems from the developer, Thor, and his childhood experiences of leaving dirty socks in unexpected places. As the socks are collected, they appear in the Saveroom in a small pile either at the footboard of the bed, or in the corner by the window (depending on the version of the game you choose to play.) The total number of socks in the game is []. Below you'll find a list of all Socks in the game as well as where to find them.


Location Flavor Text
Lore's House (Living Room) You found a smelly sock. Gross!
Lore's House (Outside - North) You found a wet sock. Slimy!
The Spine (North West Corner) You found a sock reading a book. Smart!
Trial Between Worlds (Second Puzzle) You found a levitating sock. Space!
Dark World (Maze) You found a shadowy sock. Sneaky!
The Tower - Break Room 103 A sock note is pinned to the board. How informative!
The Tower - Floor 1 (Cubicle 3A) You found a hard working sock! Business!
The Tower - Floor 0 You found an engineers sock! Trustworthy!
The Tower - Gym You found a sweaty gym sock. Exercise!
Animus - Frog Pond (North) It's a moist sock! Gross. . .
Animus - Iron Mines (North West) It's a fun sock! Probably dropped by a fun guy!
Animus - Fern and Rhode's Home (Outside) It's a deer sock. Someone must really love it!
Animus - Avocado's Home (Snake Tank)


You found a snakey sock! Scaley!
Animus - Mossback Farm (Outside - East) It's a freshly laundered sock! Now you can trade it without getting caught.
  • The Animus sock found in the Snake Tank in Avocado's Home is currently unobtainable due to the game not yet including a path back to her house from Mossback Farm, where you find the replacement sock. It is also unclear whether there are 4 or 5 socks in Animus as upon current completion of the chapter, the sock pile disappears, rendering you without any indication as to whether the sock at Mossback Farm is a collectable item.

As the player collects them, socks from each world form their own piles in the South West Corner of Bedhead, each sporting their own distinct sprite colours and growing in size for each individual sock obtained. There are 4 different sprites to signify how many you have collected. Socks obtained from Lore's House, The Spine and Darkworld all appear a dirty plain off-white, Socks from The Tower appear a vibrant red and white and socks from Animus appear as a warm light orange-yellow and off-white.