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The main room in the first floor of The Tower.



  1. Main Lobby
  2. Boardroom
  3. Cafeteria
  4. Server Room
  5. Mailshroom
  6. Janitor's Closet

Main Lobby

This dreary place has cracks and missing gray floors with 5 branched off accessible paths, not including the elevator which you can use to gain access to Floor 2 and progresses the story. In addition to the numerous cubicles labelled from 1A to 8D, there are several water coolers and sticky notes as well as desk draws which can be interacted with. There is a total 22 Faceless here which the player can talk to. 

Most of the areas here are inaccessible until you complete a task. Their unlock order depends on how many cookies OScar gives you and depending on the job he assigns.

CafeteriaServer RoomMailshroomJanitor's ClosetBoardroomElevatorOScarOScarDuck 1Duck 3Duck 4Duck 5'Sealed closed with tons of sticky Notes'Sticky Notes, Used for a mission set by JoeSockNotesNotesNotesFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessFacelessDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk DrawDesk Draw



The Boardroom is a gloomy still place. Propped on top of the table are books, papers and pens and the odd plant to help set the atmosphere for a meeting. The whiteboard stands above with scribbles of possible business details as well as the password for Cubicle 6A.

Save BookWhiteboardNotesTower F1



The Cafeteria contains the usual utilities of plastic spoons and trays piled crudely over each other. Down the middle is the counter which holds a thick glass screen leading towards the till where the Coprino Brothers stand arguing. Behind, food and drink are surprisingly neat. OScar smiles over knowing that the food budget is safe, for the mean time...

Pile of SpoonsOScarPile of TraysSandwichesDrinksCoprino BrothersTower F1


Server Room

The Server Room is a mess of lights and wires, where large servers stand tall and still as monoliths. An old keyboard and damaged computer sit propped on top.

OScarPhishG8rTower F1ServerServerServerServerServerServerServerServerServerServerServerServerServer


The Mailshroom is laced with a mushroom infestation tangling around. The room itself contains a metal cabinet and a box of mail stacked high near OScar's large screen. While on the other side is the stamping table and printer.

DoorMetal cabinetBox of mailStamping tablePrinterOScarMain Floor 1 Lobby


Janitor's Closet

Strangely the neatest room on Floor 1, the Janitor's closet waits for its use. Upon entering, a shelf of bottles and unused toilet paper lay, even when The Tower has no toilets. Nearby the sink is seen oozing a strange black substance, drink it or don't its up to you. Near the edge of the stained tiles lives the Bin.

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  • After completing Lunch Rush in the Cafeteria trays and spoons will be scattered on the floor.