
From Heartbound Wiki

This room is accessible by entering the top right room from Tower F1. This starts Lore's "job" here by telling him to check the newhire password on the whiteboard.


Interactive Objects


Interaction Map

Save BookWhiteboardNotesTower F1


  • Yellow: Interactive Objects
  • Green: Obtainable Objects
  • Blue: Exits / Doors
  • Orange: Interactive NPC

Object Dialog

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"Newhire Password: god, password, love, qwerty, secret, login, letmein, abc123, football, iloveyou" It is unknown how its dialog is determined.
"Cubicle Assignment: 6A"

Pinned notes

"Instructions on how to contact HR. They´re all scribbled out."


  • There are many different passwords that the newhire password may be.