This room is accessible by entering the bottom right room of Tower F2.


Interactive Objects


Interaction Map

 LockerLockerLockerLockerLockerBracletSocksTrapperChomperShortstackMain Lobby


  • Yellow: Interactive Objects
  • Green: Obtainable Objects
  • Blue: Exits / Doors
  • Orange: Interactive NPC

Object Dialog

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"The locker stands sockless before you. It seems lonely."
"This locker is locked. Guess it takes its job seriously."
"There´s an old red combination lock on it. Someone carved a ´C´ into the knob. It won´t open."
"It´s full of hundreds of pairs of round glasses. They don´t even have lenses."
"There´s a smooth metallic object in here. It´s the back of the locker."
"It´s smashed closed and can´t be opened. It looks like it took hundreds of tiny punches."